You push big red button
You push big red button

Run python install inside the esptool directory to install esptool and pyserial.You only need to install and use esptool to upload to your NodeMCU if PlatformIO fails. Install support for NodeMCU: platformio platforms install espressif.Edit the constants in slack_button.ino to configure your wifi network and your Slack webhook URL.Optional: Give your webhook a friendly name and icon, such as Big Red Button and 🔴.Create an Incoming Webhook and configure it to post to your channel.Your pin numbers may differ from what's printed in silk on the board-on my LoLin v3 board, I had to use pins D3 and GND. Connect the jumpers to pin 0 and ground on your NodeMCU.Solder some jumper wires to its terminals.A Slack team that doesn't mind you making a mess of their #random channel.

you push big red button

esptool if the PlatformIO uploader for ESP8266 doesn't work.It's Arduino code, so it should compile just fine using Arduino IDE too. PlatformIO to compile and upload your code.

You push big red button